Original Russian title on the poster. Released title for English speaking countries. IN: 26 x 41 = CM: 65 x 105. ROLLED, NEAR TO GOOD. ” – is a feature film based on the fairy tale “Bambi by Felix Salten. The second part of the dilogy is the film “Youth of Bambi”. The film was filmed in the Crimea in the Crimean Nature Reserve and in the “cave cities”. After the end of filming on Eski-Kermen, images of animals on the walls were preserved in some caves, which were shown to tourists as drawings of cavemen. 1986 – 19th All-Union Film Festival (Alma-Ata) in the program of films for children and youth: the main prize “For the best disclosure of the theme of the commonwealth of man and nature” – to the film “Bambi’s Childhood” (Natalia Bondarchuk). Please note: The poster was created by famous Soviet poster artist and issued in a highly limited edition for USSR – only 33.000 exemplars. There is a holiday in the forest, Bambi the fawn was born, the son of the leader, the prince, the heir to the crown. Bambi is still small, and the whole huge world around him appears as a fairy tale. In this tale, he meets many wonders: animals and trees, the sun and the river, his second cousins?? and sisters, a squirrel, funny hares and beautiful swans. But in the fairy forest, where everyone lives together, there is Him. The one whose name is not called. Whom everyone fears, even the most powerful animals. Bambi will have a series of dangers, adventures and new knowledge before he grows up and takes the place of an unnamed father – becomes the leader of his pack. MATROSOV MIKHAIL YURIEVICH (1952 – 2017) Famous Soviet Graphic artist, illustrator, painter, teacher, poster artist. Born: October 13, 1952, Moscow (Russian). In 1971 he graduated from art school and entered the Surikov Institute at the graphic faculty, in the studio of the famous Soviet illustrator E. In 1977 he worked as a poster artist. He was a member of the artistic council of “Reklamfilm”. The eighties and the first half of the 90s are a unique period of the Soviet film poster. Technological possibilities are expanding. At this time, such wonderful artists are working in the film poster: Lukyanov, Ulymov, Adaev, Adashev, Borisov, Maistrovsky, Boxer, Bogdanov, Matrosov. The attitude to the poster changes, from a sheet containing a certain amount of information and, as a rule, portraits of the heroes of the film, it turns into a composition of a figurative solution, goes to another qualitative level. Is the author of movie posters for films of Soviet and foreign filmmakers “Cruel Romance”, “And Life and Tears and Love”, “Come and See”, “European History” “Scarecrow, ” “Daki”, “Mournful insensibility”, “Boris Godunov”, “Agony”, “White Dew”, Gardener, Alone and Without a Weapon “, “The New Adventures of the Yankees at the Court of King Arthur. Is engaged in teaching activities. He teaches academic drawing and painting at the Moscow Architectural Institute and the Technological Institute. After closing “Reklamfilm” Works mainly in the field of book graphics. Collaborates with publishing houses “Astrel”, “Lepta”, “Rosmen”, “Irius” etc. High professional qualities, an impeccable sense of composition, style, imaginative thinking allow us to solve a wide variety of problems: these are illustrations for Shakespeare’s sonnets and historical themes, and landscape graphics and illustrations for young readers, magnificently executed with humor and warmth. Original title on the poster. I’m a paragraph. Mention details and specifications that you believe are relevant to your buyers. CHANTSEV ALEXANDER VASILIEVCIH (1949 – 2002). Alexander Chantsev was born in 1949 in the city of Torun, Poland. In 1973 he graduated from the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (formerly the Stroganov School) with a degree in Artistic Ceramics. The second prize of the International Olympic Poster Competition in 1980 gave impetus to the work in the poster genre. Several years of fruitful work in the circus poster followed, and during this period the individual style and technique of Alexander Chantsev gradually developed. In 1989 he was admitted to the Union of Artists. The film posters brought the artist international fame. Solo exhibitions of film posters by Alexander Chantsev took place in Rome in 1991 (together with Yuri Boxer) as part of the exhibition of Soviet film posters, which was held in the largest exhibition hall of the city – Palazzo delle Esposizioni. In 2001, an exhibition of movie posters by Chantsev, Boxer and Maistrovsky was held in the city of Tavira (Portugal). Alexander Chantsev took part in the largest exhibitions of Soviet and Russian posters, regularly participated in international biennials in Warsaw, Lahti, Colorado, Brno, took part in a poster exhibition in the Louvre (1989), the International Poster Festival in Chaumont, France (1991), in the exhibitions ” Russian social poster “in the USA (1991-92), Perestroika. Glasnost in Japan (1991-92), was awarded with diplomas of various competitions, a diploma of the finalist of the European competition of advertising EPICA in Paris (1992). Exhibitions of posters, in which Alexander Chantsev participated, have traveled almost all over the world, the originals and prints have ended up in the most famous galleries and in private collections in the USA, France, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Czech Republic. However, the rise of poster art, which took place thanks to perestroika and the resulting freedom, gradually ended, and interest in the poster was largely lost. New times have come when the emerging market relations have made completely different demands on artists. I had to master new genres – advertising booklets, annual reports, logos, corporate styles – and face a different customer. For the last seven years of his life, Alexander Chantsev was engaged in the design of exhibition stands, working as the art director of the Expoline company. It was a new business, and gradually the festive atmosphere of the exhibitions captured Alexander Chantsev entirely. Possessing tremendous efficiency and real professionalism, he managed to create many interesting exhibition stands for such companies as Lucent Technologies, Avaya, Alcatel, A&T Trade, KRKA, Shreya, Orimi Trade, Sunway, Mobile TeleSystems. Nevertheless, in Russia and the world, Alexander Chantsev is known primarily as a brilliant poster artist who belonged to a remarkable generation of artists. And the soft, good-natured humor of his circus posters, the philosophical metaphors of the movie posters, the sharp, satirical images of political posters will forever remain in our memory. YALTA HOTEL YALTA INTOURIST WELCOMES YOU! Come to us in the USSR! – the meaning of the posters issued by the firm “Intourist” was advertising of tourist trips for foreign citizens beyond the “Iron Curtain”. Yalta Hotel – is still working nowadays under the same name. In: 16×26 – cm: 40×60. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.