Original title on the poster. Released title for English speaking countries. IN THE UKRAINIAN STEPPE. DATSKEVICH SERGEY IGNAT’EVICH. X 33 = CM: 58.5 x 83. ROLLED, USED TO BE FOLDED. Original official Soviet movie poster for the film. ” V STEPYAKH UKRAINY ” also known as ” IN THE UKRAINIAN STEPPE ” – Soviet comedy black and white film-performance of the Kiev State Academic Ukrainian Theater Ivana Franko based on A. Korneichuk’s play “In the steppes of Ukraine”. About two chairmen of collective farms, friends, comrades-in-arms – Garnok (Dmitry Milyutenko) and Galushka, who manage the collective farm in different ways and each considers his own method to be correct. Not many Soviet directors managed to present to the audience the life of Ukrainian collective farmers and their rural life in the genre of comedy. There were many reasons for this, the main one being the hard work and difficult living conditions of the peasants, which did not in any way cause laughter and joy. The more interesting it is to watch the film In the steppes of Ukraine, in which the creators, widely using the method of contrast and satire, depict the happy everyday life of the village. The main characters in the adaptation of the play by A. Korneichuk are two old friends with characteristic names – Salivon Chesok and Kondraty Galushka. These people have a heroic past – they fought on the fronts of the civil war, they have military awards. And today these people work as chairmen of neighboring collective farms with the loud names “Death of Capitalism” and “Quiet Life”. The names themselves, as you can see, give an idea of?? how the peasants work on these collective farms. In one of the farms, all the advanced techniques of agriculture and animal husbandry are being introduced, the collective farm has stable profits, and it demonstrates its achievements at an agricultural exhibition. And on the collective farm “Quiet Life” they still work the old fashioned way, and therefore the results of labor are scanty. Many critics are wondering why the film In the steppes of Ukraine has been so popular with viewers for over sixty years. And the secret is that talented directors G. Levchuk worked on its creation. The main roles of the chairmen of the collective farms of Chesnoka and Galushka were played by D. The very appearance of the main characters is delightful. These are bright representatives of the descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks: guys with luxurious mustaches, in embroidered shirts and with a speech characteristic of Ukrainians. A bright plot line is the image of the wedding general, who, according to the script of the film, is the legendary commander Budyonny himself. And also, according to the author’s intention, the collective farm is waiting for an inspector, the idea of?? whose appearance is very close in meaning to Gogol’s inspector. The inspector arrives incognito, and when his identity is established, silence reigns on the screen. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR and the Union of Artists of the USSR. His works defined the style of film advertising in those years, just like the work of the Stenbergs in the 1920s. Datskevich advertised film dramas, film adaptations, and comedy films with equal success. Datskevich’s works were addressed to a new spectator capable of thinking, brought up on the aesthetics of the thaw period. 1919 Born in the town of Pyatikhatka, Yekaterinoslavskaya province. Graduated from the Kiev Art College. From 1948 he worked for the “Reklamfilm” studio. One of the leading masters of Soviet film posters, he constantly worked in this field. He also sang political posters. 1977 Died in Moscow. The artist was an innovator in the creation of a symbolic image. The first of them – in the poster for the film adaptation of the novel by N. Ostrovsky “How the Steel Was Tempered” (“Pavel Korchagin”), Datskevich created already in 1956, ahead of the masters of the political poster by several years. And here he exactly followed the cinematography, which endowed objects of the human environment with a significant value. Unlike the film poster of the 1920s, where the subject, the detail was read exclusively as part of the montage “phrase” of the poster, in the 50s – 60s these elements play the role of the basis of the poster image and a link between the realities of the film and advertising. His work reflected the processes characteristic of the art of the “thaw”: the artist shifted the emphasis from “advertising” to commenting, from utilitarian tasks to aesthetic ones, he asserted the intrinsic artistic significance of film posters. Datskevich’s works were addressed to a new viewer capable of thinking, brought up on the aesthetics of the “thaw” time. Datskevich devoted three decades of his life to his beloved art. In the 60s and 70s, the master continued to embody many ideas that were not realized in a short period. Datskevich’s posters are represent in the Russian State Library, in the Museum of Cinema – Moscow and in other collections. I’m a paragraph. Mention details and specifications that you believe are relevant to your buyers. CHANTSEV ALEXANDER VASILIEVCIH (1949 – 2002). Alexander Chantsev was born in 1949 in the city of Torun, Poland. In 1973 he graduated from the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (formerly the Stroganov School) with a degree in Artistic Ceramics. The second prize of the International Olympic Poster Competition in 1980 gave impetus to the work in the poster genre. Several years of fruitful work in the circus poster followed, and during this period the individual style and technique of Alexander Chantsev gradually developed. In 1989 he was admitted to the Union of Artists. The film posters brought the artist international fame. Solo exhibitions of film posters by Alexander Chantsev took place in Rome in 1991 (together with Yuri Boxer) as part of the exhibition of Soviet film posters, which was held in the largest exhibition hall of the city – Palazzo delle Esposizioni. In 2001, an exhibition of movie posters by Chantsev, Boxer and Maistrovsky was held in the city of Tavira (Portugal). Alexander Chantsev took part in the largest exhibitions of Soviet and Russian posters, regularly participated in international biennials in Warsaw, Lahti, Colorado, Brno, took part in a poster exhibition in the Louvre (1989), the International Poster Festival in Chaumont, France (1991), in the exhibitions ” Russian social poster “in the USA (1991-92), Perestroika. Glasnost in Japan (1991-92), was awarded with diplomas of various competitions, a diploma of the finalist of the European competition of advertising EPICA in Paris (1992). Exhibitions of posters, in which Alexander Chantsev participated, have traveled almost all over the world, the originals and prints have ended up in the most famous galleries and in private collections in the USA, France, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Czech Republic. However, the rise of poster art, which took place thanks to perestroika and the resulting freedom, gradually ended, and interest in the poster was largely lost. New times have come when the emerging market relations have made completely different demands on artists. I had to master new genres – advertising booklets, annual reports, logos, corporate styles – and face a different customer. For the last seven years of his life, Alexander Chantsev was engaged in the design of exhibition stands, working as the art director of the Expoline company. It was a new business, and gradually the festive atmosphere of the exhibitions captured Alexander Chantsev entirely. Possessing tremendous efficiency and real professionalism, he managed to create many interesting exhibition stands for such companies as Lucent Technologies, Avaya, Alcatel, A&T Trade, KRKA, Shreya, Orimi Trade, Sunway, Mobile TeleSystems. Nevertheless, in Russia and the world, Alexander Chantsev is known primarily as a brilliant poster artist who belonged to a remarkable generation of artists. And the soft, good-natured humor of his circus posters, the philosophical metaphors of the movie posters, the sharp, satirical images of political posters will forever remain in our memory. YALTA HOTEL YALTA INTOURIST WELCOMES YOU! Come to us in the USSR! – the meaning of the posters issued by the firm “Intourist” was advertising of tourist trips for foreign citizens beyond the “Iron Curtain”. Yalta Hotel – is still working nowadays under the same name. In: 16×26 – cm: 40×60. Listing and template services provided by inkFrog.