EXTREMELY RARE Original Rolled 1979 Lucio Fulci’s ZOMBIE 27X40 U. Gore-Horror One Sheet Movie Poster! (Or 50% Off International Orders). ANY ORDERS OF 2 or More Posters, MOVIE POSTERS, Lobby Cards, Pressbooks/Press Kits and or Photographic Items! Extremely Rare Original Vintage 1979 Rolled Lucio Fulci’s ZOMBIE Horror 27X40 Inch U. See My Other Auctions for MORE Original Vintage Lucio Fulci’s ZOMBIE Movie Posters and Lobby Cards! Historical Significance and Context of This Unique Poster. In the Early Days of Cinematic Theaters, During the 1920s the National Screen Service (NSS) was Formed and Established as the Primary Supplier and Distributor of Advertising Movie Trailers to Emerging Theater Industry. In 1939, the NSS Signed with Paramount Studios as their Exclusive Film Release Trailer Distributor and by 1947, the NSS had Secured the Exclusive Contracts for Film Trailer and Movie Poster Production and Distribution for ALL of the Major Hollywood Studios. From 1947 on through Sometime in the Late 1960s/Early 1970s , ALL U. Movie Posters (Including All Sizes, Types, Lobby Cards and Press Photos) for the Hollywood Film Studios were Produced and Distributed by the NSS with the “Property of the National Screen Service” with Date/Production Numbers (Looks Like: “64/82″ Meaning Year 1964/82nd Film NSS Produced a Poster for that year) and ALL U. One Sheet Movie Posters were 27X41 Inches and Folded as a Standard Issue With Exception to Over-Sized 30X40 One Sheets which were Always Rolled and Printed on Heavy Card Stock, These were Completely Discontinued/Out of Production Since the Mid 1970s. See My Other Auctions for a Few Examples of Vintage Over-Size 30X40 One Sheet Posters. During the Late 1960s, there was a Steady Increase of Low-Budget Independent and ” Grindhouse ” Films Hitting Theaters Creating Competition with the Hollywood Studios for the First Time. Along with the Rise of Low-Budget Grindhouse Theater Distribution Came a Sharp Increase in Production of Lower Budget Movie Posters Produced Outside of the National Screen Service through Much Smaller Printing Companies. Initially, These Independent Printing Companies Produced Movie Posters Following the Same Standard Quad-Folded 27X41 Format as the NSS But Without the Year/Production Numbers and Most Often Only a “Made in USA” Mark and Sometimes Devoid of any Production Mark at All. By 1974, the Push for Higher Profits and Lower Expenses Caused BOTH the NSS and the Low Budget Film Industry to Begin Experimenting with Producing Posters Tri-Folded and or Rolled , Cutting-Out the Time and Expense of Having them Machine Folded. By 1976, the Low-Budget Independent Film Industry Shaved Expenses Even Further by Trimming Poster Sizes Down to a 27X40 Format and for a Brief Period Between 1974 and 1984, the Independent Film Industry Occasionally Produced 27X41 Quad-Folded, 27X41 Tri-Folded and or 27X40 Rolled Posters for the Same Movies as Poster Orders were Re-Filled. The NSS Always Printed an Overflow of Posters in a Single Printing Run with No Production Size Variation for Each Film BUT the Independent Companies Re-Ordered Posters “As Needed” as Grindhouse Theater Bookings Progressed Resulting in the FIRST 27X40 U. One Sheet Poster Productions to 27X40 Format Standard which is Still the Standard NSS and Independent Format Today. Other Rare Classic Lucio Fulci Movie Poster Format Variants Known to Exist Include. ZOMBIE: 27X41 Quad-Folded, 27X40 Quad-Folded, 27X40 Rolled. The GATES of HELL: 27X41 Quad-Folded, 27X41 Tri-Folded, 27X41 Rolled. 7 DOORS of DEATH: 27X41 Quad-Folded, 27X41 Tri-Folded, 27X41 Rolled. (See My Other Auctions for Examples of These). This Extremely Rare Original Rolled 27X40 Inch Lucio Fulci’s ZOMBIE U. One Sheet Movie Poster is Identical to the 27X41 Issue in Every Way with the Exception of 1/2 Inch White Border Shorter at the Top and Bottom Borders. Same Image Size and Dimensions, Same Semi-Gloss Four-Color Screen Printing Process and Produced by the Same Independent Printing Company. Orders (50% Discount for International Orders) on. ANY Two or More. Movie Posters, Posters, Lobby Cards, Press Kitts/Pressbooks or Photographic Items. To Cart and Request Total. Wait For All Selected Active Auctions to End. And Request Total in Invoice. Please See My Other Auctions for MANY MORE Rare Lucio Fulci, Fulci’s ZOMBIE, GATES of HELL & BEYOND Posters, Horror & Cult Cinema Movie Posters, Model Kits & Assorted Oddities!